
Technology-Driven Engineering At It’s Best

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Pipe Fabrication

We manufacture bolt in pipe solutions for complex areas.

SAFETY FIRST, our services are covid compliant.


Pipe manufacturing for the mining industry involves producing pipes that are suitable for various applications within mining operations, such as transporting water, slurry, chemicals, and other materials. Here are some key aspects of pipe manufacturing for the mining industry:

Materials Selection: Pipes used in the mining industry must withstand harsh operating conditions, including abrasion, corrosion, and high pressure. Therefore, selecting the right materials is crucial. Common materials used in mining pipes include high-density polyethylene (HDPE), steel, ductile iron, and various composite materials. The choice of material depends on factors such as the type of material being transported, operating pressure and temperature, and environmental conditions.

Pipe Design: The design of mining pipes is tailored to the specific requirements of mining applications. This includes considerations such as the diameter and thickness of the pipe, the type of joints and fittings used, and the overall structural integrity. Pipes may be designed to withstand high pressures, resist abrasion from abrasive materials, or accommodate thermal expansion and contraction.

Manufacturing Processes: Pipe manufacturing for the mining industry typically involves processes such as extrusion, injection molding, casting, or fabrication. For example, HDPE pipes are often produced using extrusion processes, while steel pipes may be manufactured through welding or seamless pipe production methods. Quality control measures are essential throughout the manufacturing process to ensure that pipes meet industry standards and specifications.

Coatings and Linings: To enhance durability and corrosion resistance, mining pipes may be coated or lined with protective materials. Common coatings include epoxy, polyurethane, and fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) coatings. These coatings provide a barrier against corrosion and abrasion, extending the lifespan of the pipes and reducing maintenance requirements.

Installation and Maintenance Considerations: Mining pipes are often installed in challenging environments, such as underground mines or remote locations. Therefore, ease of installation and maintenance is a key consideration in pipe design. Pipes may be designed with features such as quick-connect fittings or modular components to facilitate installation and reduce downtime during maintenance activities.

Regulatory Compliance: Pipe manufacturers must adhere to regulatory requirements and industry standards relevant to the mining sector. This includes standards related to materials, manufacturing processes, and product performance. Compliance with these standards ensures that pipes meet safety, reliability, and environmental requirements.

Overall, pipe manufacturing for the mining industry requires careful consideration of materials, design, manufacturing processes, coatings, installation, and regulatory compliance to meet the demanding requirements of mining applications. Collaboration between pipe manufacturers, mining operators, and engineering firms is essential to ensure that pipes are designed and manufactured to meet the specific needs of each mining project.

Advanced Tracking
& Scanning Software

AUGMENTED REALITY allows us to fabricate within our 3D models

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Augmented reality (AR) technology offers significant potential for enhancing pipe design processes. Here’s how AR can be utilized in pipe design:

Visualization and Design Review: AR allows designers to overlay digital pipe models onto real-world environments. Designers can view and manipulate 3D pipe models in real-time, allowing for a better understanding of how the pipes will fit into the existing space. This visualization capability can aid in design review processes, enabling stakeholders to identify potential issues or improvements early in the design phase.

Spatial Awareness: AR provides users with enhanced spatial awareness, allowing them to accurately assess the size, scale, and positioning of pipes within a given space. Designers can use AR to ensure that pipes are properly aligned, avoiding clashes with existing structures or other pipes.

Collaboration: AR technology enables remote collaboration among design teams, allowing multiple stakeholders to view and interact with pipe models simultaneously from different locations. This enhances communication and coordination among team members, leading to more efficient design workflows.

On-site Installation Assistance: AR can be used to provide on-site installation assistance for pipe systems. Using AR-equipped devices such as smartphones or AR glasses, installers can overlay digital pipe schematics onto the physical environment, guiding them through the installation process step-by-step. This can help reduce errors and improve the accuracy of installations.

Maintenance and Repair: AR can also be beneficial for maintenance and repair tasks related to pipe systems. Maintenance technicians can use AR to overlay relevant information onto physical pipes, such as maintenance schedules, operating parameters, or troubleshooting guides. This can streamline maintenance procedures and reduce downtime associated with pipe system failures.

Training and Education: AR technology can be used for training purposes, allowing users to learn about pipe design principles and procedures in an interactive and immersive manner. Trainees can visualize complex pipe systems in AR, gaining a better understanding of how various components interact and function.

Overall, the integration of augmented reality into pipe design processes offers numerous benefits, including improved visualization, enhanced spatial awareness, streamlined collaboration, and more efficient installation and maintenance workflows. As AR technology continues to evolve, its applications in pipe design are likely to become even more advanced and widespread.

Mineral Sorting Tables

Your small scale mining solution. Our tables are as desirable as the minerals you are trying to sort.


Mineral sorting tables, also known as gravity concentration tables or shaking tables, are commonly used in small-scale mining operations to separate valuable minerals from gangue materials based on differences in density and particle size. Here’s an overview of mineral sorting tables and their role in small-scale mining:

Principle of Operation: Mineral sorting tables operate on the principle of gravity concentration, where particles of different densities are stratified on the table surface due to the effects of gravity and shaking motion. The table’s deck is typically equipped with riffles or grooves that create a turbulent flow of water, which helps to stratify the mineral particles based on their density.

Equipment Design: Mineral sorting tables consist of a flat, inclined surface (the table deck) that is mounted on a frame and equipped with a shaking mechanism. The shaking motion is typically generated by an eccentric cam or a motor-driven mechanism. The deck surface may be covered with a durable material such as rubber or polyurethane to minimize wear and facilitate the movement of mineral particles.

Feed Preparation: Prior to feeding material onto the sorting table, it is usually crushed and screened to remove oversized particles. This ensures that the feed material is of uniform size and maximizes the efficiency of the sorting process. Additionally, the feed material may be classified based on particle size to optimize separation efficiency.

Feed Material: Mineral sorting tables are suitable for processing a wide range of feed materials, including ores, concentrates, and alluvial deposits. The tables are particularly effective for separating heavy minerals such as gold, silver, tin, tungsten, and other precious and base metals from lighter gangue minerals.

Operating Parameters: The performance of mineral sorting tables is influenced by various operating parameters, including the amplitude and frequency of the shaking motion, the water flow rate, the deck slope angle, and the particle size distribution of the feed material. Adjusting these parameters allows operators to optimize the separation efficiency and recovery of valuable minerals.

Applications: Mineral sorting tables are commonly used in small-scale mining operations, including artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), as well as in exploration and testing activities. They are often employed as a primary gravity concentration device or as a final cleaning step in conjunction with other gravity separation methods such as centrifugal concentrators or sluice boxes.

Advantages: Mineral sorting tables offer several advantages for small-scale mining operations, including low capital and operating costs, simple operation and maintenance, high recovery rates for coarse and fine particles, and the ability to process a wide range of feed materials. Additionally, they do not require the use of chemicals or reagents, making them environmentally friendly.

In summary, mineral sorting tables play a vital role in small-scale mining by providing an efficient and cost-effective method for gravity concentration and separation of valuable minerals from gangue materials. Their simplicity, versatility, and high recovery rates make them a popular choice for small-scale miners seeking to recover precious metals and minerals from their ore deposits.


Technology-Driven Engineering At It’s Best

How can we help you?

Pipe Fabrication

We manufacture bolt in pipe solutions for complex areas.

SAFETY FIRST, our services are covid compliant.


Advanced Tracking
& Scanning Software

AUGMENTED REALITY allows us to fabricate within our 3D models

Track your projects with W5


Mineral Sorting Tables

Your small scale mining solution. Our tables are as desirable as the minerals you are trying to sort.


Technology-Driven Engineering At It’s Best

How can we help you?

Pipe Fabrication

We manufacture bolt in pipe solutions for complex areas.

SAFETY FIRST, our services are covid compliant.


Advanced Tracking
& Scanning Software

AUGMENTED REALITY allows us to fabricate within our 3D models

Track your projects with W5


Mineral Sorting Tables

Your small scale mining solution.

Our tables are as desirable as the minerals you are trying to sort


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